A Guide to Choose Right Herbal Supplements

Explore Intellect
3 min readJun 16, 2021

Many people are health conscious these days as covid-19 has made life difficult or make us learn different ways to live a simple life a healthy lifestyle is a key to everything and eating right is the main thing and it can’t be completed without exercise moving those flexes But the most crucial part out of all this is Diet and the supplements to go along with it

Some people prefer combination supplements which consist of minerals iron calcium vitamin B12 then comes special supplements which have omega 2 fatty acid and fish oil it helps in reducing blood pressure next comes, Sports supplements which are for weight loss or muscle gain purpose when athletes need to achieve a certain strength

Herbal supplements are popularly known as dietary supplements these days and have the highest Nutrious value with fewer side effects low in price caters to many persistent health conditions these supplements helps us in achieving, better mental health and glowing clear skin and also cures depression.Some great herbal supplements are

· Doctor’s Best, High Absorption Co-Q10 with BioPerine,

Comes in 100 mg with 120 Softgels in a white bottle with an orange cap, this supplement can improve the condition of the heart, Reduces chest pain, assists infertility, and protect the lungs

· Allimax, 100% Allicin Powder, Capsules

Available in 180 mg with 30 Veggie Caps with blue and white packaging, This supplement fight against high blood pressure elevated cholesterol levels and diabetes

· MRM, Nutrition, Coenzyme Q10,

Bottle of 100 mg, with 60 Softgels has a vibrant color packaging with a white cap this supplement builds immunity, radiant skin, and appearance and has anti- aging properties.

· Nature’s Way, Chlorofresh, Liquid Chlorophyll, Unflavored,

A large black bottle of 480 ml it can help to balance the blood pressure and growth of bones enables the immune system to produces red blood cells and very effective for kidneys

· Natural Factors, Coenzyme Q10,

A 100 mg bottle with 120 Softgels white bottle with colorful packaging the supplements improves heart condition and reduces headaches

· Thorne Research, SF722,

A white bottle with 250 Softgels which is taken from castor oil and treats skin problems such as infections and fungus on the foot and ringworm

Besides numerous benefits of herbal supplements, it can cure sleep problem nausea and dry mouth and studies have also shown that a certain intake of vitamin C and vitamin A can boost up the immune system and help you lead a healthy life as vitamin C can help reduce iron deficiency improves various heart conditions and boost memory and thinking with time and vitamin A has anti-aging properties can reduce the risk of cancer and lastly omega 3 fatty acid intake can reduce blood pressure reduce the possibility of cardiac attack and also decrease triglycerides, lowers down the fatty deposits in the arteries.

